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mercredi 25 janvier 2012

Ahmad Dari Makes Us Feel Bad For Fatah

Fatah is in a bad shape. this once powerhouse of Palestinians leadership seems to have run out of steam. With outdated disconnected leadership that has put all its eggs in one basket, to young members who lack discipline.

No question that Fatah was a big deal, but no more. They really do not know what to do next. Even though they try to claim, we have other options they really don't. Their leader has been reduced by the Israeli occupation and has lost his VIP status.

If this is not humiliation, I do not know what is. they have been reduced into a groups of individuals vying to make a quick buck and bad mouth the next guy. This is coming from some guy who once believed the line.

and here comes this creative Palestinians guy with his viral videos to mock the party by making us feel bad for them. You do not want to feel bad for your leader, not when they have to stand up to guys like Bibi.

غلبانة يافتح. Galbaneh Ya Fateh

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