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samedi 21 janvier 2012

Hany Ft Fouad - Shabmoshy Makes No Sense, But It's Funny

The music for this new single has a local falvor of South Egypt and Northern Sudan, and those two guys behind it look funnky. That's why I had to give this track a listen. And also the title is kind of odd.

Shambmoshy makes no sense, it's no Arabic world in my book, but it still sounds cool. It sounds like an old Mohamed Mounir song. The twins whose vocals make the song are no household name, but as far as I see on the web forums, they have picked some fire.

الاخوين جويلي هاني وفؤاد شمبوشي 2012
اغنية هانى و فؤاد - شمبوشى | Hany Ft Fouad - Shabmoshy

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