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samedi 24 mars 2012

Leqaa' Sweedan From Acting To Music

She is married to Hussein Fahmy, the playboy of Arabic movies from the 70s, and 80s. She is an actress and has appeared in more than half a dozen of TV dramas. She is a name I hear often in the news.

I never thought I would see her in a music video, and frankly when I heard the song, I knew this is not someone who makes a living from music. Her vocals are weak, but there's something exciting in her voice. The song she choose is dedicated for her mother. She might have done this as a favor to her mommy.

She is both Lebanses and Egyptian, so that flies really well with Egyptians.

Leqaa' Sweedan - Merabeyany Ala Eideiky / لقاء سويدان - مربياني على إيديكي

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