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mercredi 7 mars 2012

Tamer Ashour 2012 Hit Song For Mothers And Egypt

I am a big fan of the work of Tamer Ashour, the composer turned singer who does the blues in a way that few can replicate. But his most popular songs can also be happy. This is what I thought when I check out his love song for Egypt--the mother of the world.

In time for mother's day, this song landed. I was at first confused, is he singing for Moms? Or does he mean Egypt? But frankly, it does not matter, for many Egyptians, they are on and the same. It's a well written song, about the love of homeland and the mothers. It's also a family song, and patriotism. It also makes the point that you learn at your formative years, never goes to waste.

This is a nice treat that comes form Tamer whose album got little notice as it was released by the producers during the days of the Egyptian revolution. He is a master, and his music shows through his voice and the melody. Tamer did not write the music, but his knowledge of it brings the best of it.

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