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dimanche 25 mars 2012

Tamer Ashour, Egypt's Complete Artist

Tamer Ashour is a charismatic singer from Egypt. He happens to be also a resourceful composer that works with the top names in Arabic music as he gives them his best melodies. But as a singer he has shown me that he is a genius. Started his career doing blues and dramatic songs. He was really good at them and you cannot miss the sadness in his tone.

But the blues do not bring you to concerts, so he broke into the happy songs, with the upbeat music. He owned them as well. He makes good choices, works with other composers to be fresh, and comes across as a gentleman. Yet, I find his better songs when he does happy revenge songs. He blends both sadness and happiness and serves you something that makes you feel better. Check out the second video below.

Tamer is a guy that most Arab guys tried to copy, he is not for boys, men enjoy his style and appreciate his sense of deep rooted affection to Egypt.
تامر عاشور يغنى بصوته لايف - بيت كبير

Tamer Ashour - Clip Tamer Ashour teslam

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