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mardi 20 mars 2012

Watch Ahmed Mekky Promo - Asloh Araby / برومو ألبوم أحمد مكي - أصلة عربي

Ahmed Mekky has always had a funny bone. But when he wants to get serious, he does so about rap. The Egyptian rapper. His debut album is about to get released shortly. The album will make the case the rap comes from the Arab culture--namely from the Arab Gulf region.

This is pop art, it's not just music, it's a crash course in Arabic culture. From sharing food with next door neighbors, riding in a cab with a weird looking driver, and kids programs. There is rage too and humor in Ahmed Mekky style. There's also a hint of religion too. I think Ahmed is one of the most gifted entertainer Arabia has seen in a really long time.

Watch the promo and let me know what you think.

Ahmed Mekky Album Promo - Asloh Araby / برومو ألبوم أحمد مكي - أصلة عربي

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