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mardi 5 juin 2012

Highlights From Asalah's Rabat Press Conference

Syrian singer Asala was in Morocco for a festival appearance, she gave a conference and here are few highlights from this provocative otherwise talented Syrian soprano:

  1. I donate a portion of my concert proceeds to the Syrian people. Asala had a number of concerts in Europe, Canada, the States, Qatar and now Morocco.  
  2. She cannot stop singing even though the situation in most Arab countries is not that great. Because singing is her job and it's the air she breaths
  3. She was intimidated by the Moroccan fans, because they are hard to please due to their sophisticated taste of music.
  4. She does not plan on going to Lebanon anytime soon due to fear of abduction assassination or harassment by the Syrian regime whom she has apposed. Asala cited that they have been a bout a 100 anti Assad activists who have disappeared from Lebanon.
  5. Even though she opposes Assad, she did not approve of Fadel Shaker leading festival goers in prayer against Assad where Fadel asked for the presidents' destruction. She said such things are excessive and  not very important. 

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