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mardi 5 juin 2012

I Don't Loath Fekriano, I'm Just Not Too Impressed

If  you want a good song and if you want to dedicate this song to the Egyptian youth, you better have something good. Mediocre songs will get ignored and will be a headache for those who produced it. Take for example new comer Fekrino, who has a new single out and about. Pyramedia signed him and released his song via their YouTube. Here's a problem for me, if you are a singer and when I do a basic goggle search and fail to find your picture, I cringe.

Pyramedia is a company founded by Australian Egyptian producer Richard Hajj, they tend to give new voices a platform (partially because they are so inexpressive), they release singles on albums and market it via YouTube and billboards. I do not think Fekriano will win any awards for them for that song. But what do I know, it might be popular with high school kids who like perverted things at the moment.

Think about this, since Mubarak has left the scene, thousands of new singers and musicians have entered the stage, only a dozen of those are a commercial success. So one has to be really good, two he has to want it so bad and three the backers and fans have to be willing to stick around.
Fekriano - Agd3 Shabab / فكريانو - اجدع شباب

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