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mardi 17 juillet 2012

When Wael Kfoury Was Cool Not Pathetic

Remember the 90s? If your answer is Yes, then you will know a cool kid from that not so distant past...Wael Kfoury was the invincible kid of Arabic pop. He was everywhere and he was the guy to listen to from Morocco to Dubai from Syria to Sudan he was on every radio. And we loved him for it because his songs made us happy.

But do you remember a happy and dancey Wael Kfoury hit song in the past 10 years? I do not think that would be easy. He has cornered himself in doing lame romantic songs--some of them are good. But such songs have turned Wael the cool happy singer with passion into a zombie whose fans are limited to older women nostalgic to better times.

He has not released an album in a really long time, and he has found trouble finding a company that wants his album--maybe he asks for too much money. I miss the cool Wael who did happy songs and sounded like a fighter in the ring seeking glory. Wael does not talk to the media and his bodyguards rough up photographers in concerts and there's a talk about his non-secret secret marriage.

the song below was one of his better known songs when every concert and party in Arabia played it at weddings, guys and girls found it a hit. It's not too late for Wael Kfoury to make a song of this magnitude, I just do not feel that he wants to anymore.
وائل كفوري - ما وعدتك بنجوم الليل

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