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mardi 14 août 2012

More Decent Ramadan Songs Mahmoud ElMohandes

He is the new kid in the block, and he is not kidding around nor taking that lightly. He released an entire album for Ramadan. An album that had real music, good lyrics and heart. Such songs often tend to be under on minute supplications, but not with Mahamoud ElMohandes, he makes full songs and we can hardly complain.

If we are to compare voices and styles, then I would say, Mahmoud sounds like a young Hamada Hilal (humble, sincere and fun) which is a great compliment to both artists.

Most songs on this album are included blew, if you can buy the album do it, this is a fine young singer that needs to be supported. There are happy songs too, like the first track, it;s about the excitement of the holy month and all the treats it brings--this is a song that kids and their parents will find fun to play around the house.

01- Mahmoud ElMohandes - Ramdan By5bt | محمود المهندس - رمضان بيخبط

02- Mahmoud ElMohandes - Soot ElMlayka | محمود المهندس - صوت الملايكه

03- Mahmoud ElMohandes - Ra7mtk Mattwsfsh | محمود المهندس - رحمتك متتوصفش

04- Mahmoud ElMohandes - Da3ef | محمود المهندس - ضعيف

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