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dimanche 19 février 2012

Fadel Shaker Joins Anti Assad Protest In Lebanon

Fadel Shaker does not mind speaking up his mind, and that meant he would join an anti Assad rally in Lebanon. He is protesting in support of the people of Homs, he spoke about the events in Syria and the events ongoing in that country. The protest started off from a local mosque in Syddah. Fadel joined and words has it he even did a song there.

Most of his peers have chosen the side of Assad, Fadel can no more be silent, he spoke in the interview and wished the ones who rally for Assad to be stuck with him to wherever he is going.

I must give Fadel some resepct for speaking up his mind, it's not too popular. It looks like things in Syria are not going to be the same. I no longer take sides, I am sick of all the lies and fabrication and certainly I am fed up with the reports of death.

Watch the interview....
فضل شاكر يؤيد الثورة السورية ويشتم الاسد.mp4

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