There's some comfort now that the judge has said the final word in the legal case brought against a wealthy Egyptian businessman and low life thug who have been linked to the murder to the slain Lebanese singer Suzam Tamim.
One to serve 15 years for ordering--Hisham Talat Mustafa/ plotting the killing and the other to serve live for possession the murder. This was perhaps the largest legal case. Watch this video and interviews that explain. Supposedly the family has forfeit its right to sue, but the husband has not. Rumor has it that the family has received some sort of payment.
The singer was murdered in her Dubai apartment, videos surfaced and weapon of the crime has also bee retrieved. Egypt and Dubai have worked closely and the speed at which they have uncovered the plot was astonishing. There are five phone calls and tons of evidence linking the criminals.
تأكيد الحكم نهائيًّا على المتَّهمين بقتل سوزان تميم
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