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vendredi 3 février 2012

Gana Is Not From The Ghetto" اغنية جنى - بنت من الشارع

It takes two seconds to tell if a song is Lebanese or not. That's how long it took for me anyway to tell if Gaza is Lebanese or some new Egyptian singer. The demo music is never fresh, but the lyrics is what the people behind this song bank on.

Titling her song, "I am not some girl from the street", so be careful, you cannot just mistreat this one lady. She is a romantic and if you are not please tell her. that's what she wants her crush to admit. She asks him to think a million time.

Given the many terrible Lebanese pop songs from new comers, this song is rad. I like Gana's voice, energy and her style. She is bold and she is not shortage in confidence which radiates Lebanon.

اغنية جنى - بنت من الشارع | Gana - Bent Mn Elshar3

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