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vendredi 3 février 2012

Tahira Hamamchi Has A Heartfelt Song"طاهرة حميميش"

To be on star academy is the wish of millions of young Arabs, to be one on the show that actually standout and has only people who love him/her out there, is not something you take for granted.

Most participant of Star Academy they manged to have enemies in the fans of the other participant. Not this Moroccan delight named as Tahira, Tahera! And upon graduation from the academy, she released this romantic song with the help of Houda Saad, another lady that rocks.

Together they have crafted this song (Houda wrote and composed) Tahra took the lead in the vocals. It was an instant classic. I was recently reading an interview with the songstress, she said that she has to develop a strong personality to survive the business. she has always argued that she has not been giving the attention in her country, as they rarely book her to take part of national events.

without further ado, here comes Ozrak!

كلمات اغنية الستار طاهرة حميميش ـــ عذراك

طاهرة:على الفنانة أنّْ تكون قوِّيَّة لتكمل بنظافةٍ

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