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samedi 4 février 2012

World Music Awards And The Business of Arab Singer

Music awards mean little to the fan, but they mean the world to the entertainers...any entertainer that is. those who do not think they can win it, badmouth it, and try to say that i only care about my fans.

It is painful to see the Arab stars try to chase such prizes, locally and in the world stage. recently Nancy Ajram won an award for the third time, same award that has been given to Amr diab, Samira Said, Latifah and Elissa. I do not think we should be celebrating an Arab star for wining this award, it's made for Arabs. It's not like they are winning over other non-Arabs.

I hate losers, and I hate rich losers. They often claim to have turned down an offer for the award in exchange for a payment. I think this has some truth to it, but not 100 percent true. I think, it's all about money! Meaning there are five best selling artists, but who would be willing to promote the event, the award and bring in a sponsorship. So, the committee does not go after losers of unknown artists,

الـ"وورد ميوزيك أوورد" فخرٌ أم ذلٌ لحامليها؟

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